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Reasons why Super App are trending!- All you want to know

Super Apps are the new ecosystem in consumer-driven marketing. Super Apps allow the service provider to monopolize its customers’ time with the desired set of services. The successful business model is trending in various parts of the world. Emerging markets such as South East Asia, South America have offered multiple opportunities for the super app model to grow vertically and globally. 

The “group purchase model” trend is worth looking into and opens the door of opportunities for digital-born companies. If you are a mobility service provider and are looking to expand its vertical to the high-demand marketplace, Super App models are meant for you. The perfect combination of services and offerings under one umbrella makes your business more promising and in demand in the market. 

Why are Super App wide-spreading in the market?

Business models such as Grab, Gojek have won their customers over a while. Let us look into the various segments that explain the key reasons for making Super Apps – a success in the competition. 

Outreaching to maximum customers

7 out of 10 businesses are ready to make a smart transition from a single-purpose app ( taxi booking app, bike rental app) to multipurpose apps ( taxi marketplace, bike rental marketplace). The uniformed services make this business model a perfect fit for the homogenous market. Instead of narrowing down the reach to a particular set of audiences, you can outreach the maximum number of audiences. People who are looking for a multi-service platform can avail the offerings of a super app. 

Pro Tip: Know in detail how Super Apps will be the future of the ride-hailing industry. 

Mobile Experience 

The world has shifted its search pattern from web to mobile in the past few years. Every nation is turning out to be a mobile-first population. It means that every customer of your business is possibly searching for the services via their mobile devices. Adding to it, smartphones have become an integral part of everyone’s lives. 

Is this one of the significant reasons why Super Apps are experiencing a surge in the market? Probably Yes! With the easy accessibility of mobile apps, consumers’ changing behaviour and digitalization of almost everything have fueled these apps’ demand. 

Pro Tip: Grab (Super App ) has conquered the South East Asia market in a few years. Read on to know how they generate the revenue. 

Charm and ease of digital payments

Online transactions have gained their charm in the past few years. Super -apps like Grab, WeChat supports the concept of digital mobile payments. It gives the customers an upper hand to stay stress-free from giving changes after every service they opt for.

On the other hand, a customer can quickly initiate an online transaction with a few clicks. Ease and convenience have a significant role in bringing super apps close to the customers. 

The extended Government Support

The private sector and the government are also extending their support to the concept of the Super app. Ditching the traditional ways of downloading multiple apps to avail services, the Super Apps are here to stay!

Recently, the Singapore Government has announced to offer financial aid to the local people who are willing to launch their business digitally. And this is just the beginning. The near future is all about “multipurpose apps” and the rise of super apps. 

Reader’s Digest:  Read on the news about Singapore’s Government financial aid to local businesses. 

The above reasons explained why Super Apps had become a household name in Asian Countries. The European and US market is also unwinding the potential of these apps. Are you interested in launching or shifting your existing business model into a Super App? Here is a list of pros that can weigh your thoughts. 

  1. The high targeted audience: Unlike pitching to a specific market or audience, you can target a broader set of traffic. You can transit your business model into a solution-based model. with the help of tech giants. Hence, reducing the risk of competition in the market. 
  2. The low Budget: The Mini-Apps version of super apps are a budget-friendly option. You can go flexible with the API integrations and can easily adhere to a platform-based approach. 
  3. Matching the demand-supply algorithm: Super Apps allow a business to reach the market’s ever-changing demand & supply chain. It will enable you to enter the market at the right time with the right set of services. 

Summing Up

The market is in its significant transformation phase. The ever-increasing competition tends to make this super app model – a perfect pitch for the market. 

Super App is the go-to app that can make you grow your business irrespective of ups and lows in the market. To get a clearer picture of how you can enter the super app market and what all solution-based businesses you can serve to your customers, feel free to contact us

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Ebook: Super App Guide How to create a market of Everything Get answers to all your questions related to getting started with the launch of your Super App. Download E-book Now

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