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Proven Taxi App Builder in the Industry!

Need to create a taxi booking app that becomes the market leader? Handle real-time bookings with automated fleet management from a single platform.

Build a Taxi App that Speaks for Your Brand

Our software provides fully white-labelled customer and driver apps along with a booking website. Personalise the cab booking and driver experience
with Jugnoo’s robust taxi mobile apps that are tailored to your on-demand business needs.
taxi Automate Taxi Dispatch Process from Dispatcher Panel
taxi Track Drivers with
GPS Enabled
taxi Monitor Business in Real-Time from Anywhere
taxi Get Detailed Analytical Reports to Check Operations
taxi Multiple Seamless Integrations and Payment Channels

A Complete Technology Stack for your Taxi Dispatch App Business

Easy Booking

Allow customers to view flight-based details & preschedule their ride as per their convenience. Jugnoo - Airport Taxi

Real-Time Tracking

Facilitate customers to track their taxis in real-time to ensure convenient & hassle-free boarding. Jugnoo - Airport Taxi

Alerts & Notifications

Send automated real-time alerts & notifications to customers about their books, promotions, arrival & departure timings. Jugnoo - Airport Taxi

Seamless Payment Options

Multiple payment gateway integrations validate all payment methods for the convenience of the customers. Jugnoo - Airport Taxi

What You'll Get?

Customer App

Jugnoo - Airport Taxi

Easy Booking

Allow customers to view flight-based details & preschedule their ride as per their convenience.

Real-Time Tracking

Facilitate customers to track their taxis in real-time to ensure convenient & hassle-free boarding.

Alerts & Notifications

Send automated real-time alerts & notifications to customers about their books, promotions, arrival & departure timings.

Seamless Payment Options

Multiple payment gateway integrations validate all payment methods for the convenience of the customers.

Driver App

Jugnoo - Airport Taxi

Simplified Navigation

Facilitate drivers to navigate effortlessly with in-app pickup & drop-off locations.

Verified Customers

Empower drivers with customer contact details to bridge the communication gap.

Trip Management & Assistance

Let your drivers start & end rides, receive payments through the app & get on-the-spot assistance when required through an integrated dispatch panel.

Earnings & Summary

Permits drivers to keep track of payments & timely earnings.

Dispatcher Panel

Jugnoo - Airport Taxi

Manage Booking Requests

View & manage multiple rides at the same instant with our easy-to-use advanced platform.

Automatic & Manual Dispatching

Assign rides to your drivers & keep your customers posted with real-time updates.

Real-Time Fleet Tracking

Track all your driver's in real-time to know their ride status, availability, and location.

Manage Drivers

Enables quick communication with drivers to provide instructions when necessary.

Empowering Ride-Hailing Businesses All Over the World

Make the best of these numerous features from Jugnoo, and create the best taxi booking app for your mobility business.

Custom & Responsive Themes

Forget device responsiveness & focus on branding. Create taxi mobile apps with a unique look and feel for your brand with our customized, device responsive themes, or maintain your existing brand guidelines to stand out from your competitors.
Jugnoo - Airport Taxi
Jugnoo - Airport Taxi

Powerful Analytics to Stay Ahead

Take smart decisions based on automatically generated performance reports & boost your taxi business. Get complete insights into ongoing and completed rides through various reporting formats and let the data work for you the way you want.

Reduce Costs With Automation

Set the taxi fares your way with our flexible, easy-to-use dispatcher panel. Build a taxi dispatch app with complete automation of every aspect of your transport process. Create custom marketing campaigns via push messages, pop-ups & promo codes.
Jugnoo - Airport Taxi
Jugnoo - Airport Taxi

Location Intelligence with Geo Analytics

Assess and predict the right amount of demand for taxi bookings and balance it with an ideal supply/drivers in a given time window. Geo-tracking of KPIs from historical data helps you get location-based insights regarding missed, cancelled and successful rides.

Dynamic Pricing Model

Get a taxi booking software that offers a pricing strategy that sets flexible prices based on variables such as estimated route traffic, the distance of the route, location, events and weather conditions.
Jugnoo - Airport Taxi

Make a taxi app with a cost-effective solution

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Our Clients

Most trusted dispatch platform with over 50+ million rides worldwide.

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