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Myths vs Facts associated with a car rental software

Running a car rental business in this hyper-competitive market is not everyone’s cup of tea. If you have been into this space, you will agree to the various challenges as well as the high potential that makes and breaks any car rental business. 

Myths vs Facts associated with a car rental software - Jugnoo

However, it has been noticed that though this business idea has great potential in the market still it has not reached its maximum value. Do you know why? Experts always keep their take on the future of the car rental business, but many of the entrepreneurs fail to decode its actual potential. 

To break the pattern, here is the list of most common myths that are associated with the running of a car rental software and the facts that actually are associated and related to the running of the car rental business. Let us deep-dive into the discussion and nail it. 

Myths vs Facts about Car Rental Software

  1. Startups don’t require a car rental software

This is one of the commonest notions that must be in most people’s minds. People always thought that owning a car rental system to run and execute the business should be done at a very later or advanced stage in the business. During the inception stage or the early days of running and launching a startup, car rental software is not required. A traditional way of keeping the count and checking over the vehicles can be done since it’s just a startup.

90% of people will agree to own this mindset. 

Myths vs Facts associated with a car rental software - Jugnoo

However, this myth needs to be burst out at the earliest. More than half of the businesses and startups are shaken in their initial days. It is important for a business to keep its foundation strong and in process. A car rental system must be the first thing that should be kept in mind while planning to set up a car rental business pops into your mind.  If your processes are in a place from the very starting, there is no looking back. You can sit and relax as half of your burden could be eased by simply wiping out the extra efforts and automating the journey with great convenience. It will offer the much-required confidence and comfort during your starting days.

Are you interested in giving a try to car rental system from your initial days?

  1. Car Rental Software is a costly affair

If you ask any startup about putting a heavy investment at the initial stage, anyone would hesitate. This is why this myth of owning a car rental marketplace that goes out of budget has lived in the market for years. People often misjudge the accounts when it comes to putting an eye on the investment of the car rental system. This is again a perceived notion that goes a long way. However, the ground truth is beyond this. You might find the jack of trades commenting over the high budget issues and hefty investment that might be there with the purchase of the car rental software. 

The truth is entirely different. If you choose to learn with a scalable car rental system, you are not at all burning your pocket. In fact, this is going to be your key to choosing what is better for you and your business future.

Choosing a car rental system that can go well with your budget could be a smarter decision that can bring back your investment in a very less span of time.

  1. Customisation to car rental software is not possible

People often believe that car rental software comes with a certain set of features. And the set of features are rigid and are fixed to be used. No one considers adding or removing the features as it is an already in-built set of features. But, this myth needs to be removed from the thought process of people at the earliest. This myth is playing with the future of many aspiring car rental business providers who decide to quit in between.

On the contrary, if you choose to go ahead with car rental booking software to kickstart your car rental business, you can always ask for certain customisations in the software. From picking up the brand colour to voicing out the brand pitch, car rental booking software can cover all the aspects. All you need to do is ask the team to bring the desired customisations to the table.

To get the desired customisations in your car rental system, you can connect with the team of Jugnoo. We offer white label car rental software that comes with the inclusiveness of adding or removing certain features as per the demand.

  1. Integration is tough!

So, many non-techie people might feel like giving it a thought as they are not easy with choosing the software and making it fluent with the ops. It is again a long-lasting myth that the integration of car rental software into the traditional car rental business is a tough job. One needs to put his technical expertise in front to bring out the desired results on the table. If a person is from a non-tech background, it would eventually be very hard to get into the momentum. And this chain keeps on expanding its thoughts in the market. 

Time to break this notion! A car rental management software is an easy integration to your existing car rental business. Any individual can be trained despite his academic and technical skills about how to use and run the business along with the car rental software. So, it is better to spread the word and make people understand the easiness rather than making people worried about the integrations. To make it more definite, we can ask anyone among you to come and get a free demo of the software. Once you will get the demo, you can yourself figure out the authenticity and usage of the car rental marketplace swiftly. 

  1. No after support

We are in the process to break this myth by offering our set of services to ensure that people will get the required after services from the various car rental software providers. We will not count it as entirely a myth as there are a couple of companies that often fail to offer the after support after the purchase of the car rental booking software. And we cannot deny it. This can be one of the reasons why people are very picky with the choice of starting with a car rental system. 

However, in our effort to make the car rental software services accessible to everyone who is looking for it, we at Jugnoo are offering proper after support services to meet end to end requirements of our clients.

If you are looking for a name that can offer you the after support services precisely, feel free to connect with team Jugnoo. You would not regret your choice. With 24*7 round the globe services, we are here to make your journey with the car rental system smoother and happier.


And the list continues. There must be more of the myths that have layered the market in response to the car rental software and its utility. If you know any of those myths, write to us. We will be happy to come up with the living facts to make the decision easier and convenient for you. 

Myths vs Facts associated with a car rental software - Jugnoo

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