10 must-have features in your car rental management software!
The business plan to get started with a car rental business is an exciting one. If you are in the same field, you must be thinking about getting started with this business idea at the earliest. However, when it comes to managing and organising the processes, it might become a tough call for many. To put a full stop to unwanted worries here is all you need to know. Opt for a car rental management software and you are sorted with the organisation of the processes in your business.

Now the next question arises; what all features should be kept in mind while finalising the car rental management system.
To make it clear for all, here is a list of important things that one should know about the software.
Checklist for a car rental management software
Automation should be full versed
It is evident to opt for car rental software that is capable of automating the process. If a potential customer wishes to avail of the services, it is important for him to know about the availability of the vehicle and the cost associated. If a car rental management software can support this process, it would be very easy and convenient for the business provider to channelise the business growth. There will be less or no confusion associated with the bookings, availability and many more.
Online bookings should be accepted
Extending the feature list of the first one, it is good if you opt for car rental management software that can easily accept online bookings. This will bring the desired level of comfort in your services to your customers. A pre-booking or sometimes a cancellation can save much of your as well your customer’s time.
Should have advanced search filters
No one wants to make their customers get ghosts during their booking. If you have smart car rental management software, you will be offering your customers great comfort during their search. The advanced filters help in making the search process easier and comfortable for even first time customers. These filters can act as a diligent way to save your customers time and make your services more approachable and accessible to all.

Hence, go for a smart car rental management software that can serve the purpose of making your customers booking experience smoother and comfortable with your brand.
Surge pricing should be there in car rental management software
A compatible and comfortable rental software should be dynamic with the price changing options. For instance, in times of peak hours, you can compete with the price. But as you choose to offer pricing in normal hours, you can be economical and approachable to your customers.
This type of dynamic pricing will give you a highlight to make your services stay in the competition without putting any stress on your budget. Your dynamic pricing will be an added advantage to scale your business presence at times of requirements.
A pre document checker/ scanner
When you are about to offer your services in the market, you might need to go with a systematic verification process. A pre-document checker function can bring total joy to your ops team and your customers. Once the documents are verified, it would be easier for you to onboard the customers as per their requirements.
Every legal and ops aspect would be taken into perspective at the initial time only. Isn’t it a smart way to onboard your customers without worrying about their background verification?
Compatible with multi-payment channels
It is quite obvious to find a diverse number of customers that might look for your services. Keeping a car rental booking software that can walk along with any time of payment channel is bliss. Your customers might not need to worry about the payment process.
All they have to do is get the payments processed within their preferable payment channel and you can enjoy the smooth process. The payment process will be directly automated and will be an easy way to retain your customers for further bookings.
Predictive insights should be offered
So when you choose to go ahead with a robust car rental management software, you are choosing to opt for software that can help in taking some futuristic decisions for your business.
For instance, if you are aware of the surge hours, it would be easier for you to go for the raise in the price during that particular tenure.
Jugnoo’s car rental software has the ability to make it easier for its users. All you have to do is to integrate the software and the rest all the things would be covered by the rental management software.
Proper communication channel
Another important aspect that should be there in the car rental management software is to build strong communication between the customer and the admin. This will help in passing by the important information at the right time.
The proactive and responsive chat channel will be an added advantage that can help in making it easier for your ops team to manage and optimise the processes.
To know further, you can get a free demo about the most-talked-about car rental management software and can make the decision.
Efficient mileage tracking
None of the car rental business providers wishes to lose the track of the mileage. These mileages will act as the framework to support the revenue by collecting the payment. If your car rental management software is efficient enough to keep a count over the precise mileage tracking, there will be no looking back.
You can easily choose to be a part of the journey where you need not worry about the mileages and the calculation. This can be a decisive feature that can either make your business grow or can make it suffer. Know more about the software contribution to mileage tracking from our experts. Or read further resources.
Should have a GPS
Last on the list is to ensure that the car rental management software should have an active GPS to keep track of the rented vehicle movement.

Once your ops team is efficient enough to be in the loop of vehicle movement, you will need not worry about the vehicle whereabouts. The admin can sit at any place on the earth and can keep track of the vehicle movements. This can also help in calculating the correct mileage.
Start your business with Car Rental Management Software
Above listed features make it crystal clear to know what to expect in your car rental management software and why you need to keep track of these features. However, if you are still not sure about the requirements, you can go for a demo call with our car rental management software experts.

Once you are ready to kickstart your business with a streamlined set of functions, there is no looking back. You can launch and execute the operational processes without any glitches. The automated process will help in easing out your pain of handling the ops.
Why Choosing Jugnoo for your car rental management software is ideal?
Jugnoo is known to offer a preferred and custom-fit car rental management software to businesses who are looking to empower their operations with logistics tracking and intelligence in data.
If you too are looking for certain things in your software, Jugnoo is your good-to-go choice as a software provider. With a list of hundreds of successful clients in the court, we are happy to extend our services to your business.